Turn the stock market off

"as far as im concerned...the stock market does not exist.
it is there only to see if anybody is offereing to do something foolish"

The stock market is one big giant distraction. And it has an other-worldly pull. A dark source commands this pull. It summons you. It knows what you are thinking. It is with you every second of the day. It calls. It commands. It makes you check it. It makes you act.

Im pretty sure J.R.R. Tolkien, the writer of Lord of the Rings, played the stock market. He had to of.

Nobody ever got the visual and feeling closer with his story of the ring. An evil force that controls you to put on the ring. Nearly impossible to resists its power. And complete and total satisfaction once you put the ring on.


We do not have the willpower of Frodo. Our brains can rationalize us into anything. Especially to check the markets.
And when you check the markets - you act in the markets. You create some storyline in your head - and you sell.

But what if you could turn the stock market off?

Now you can.
You just need the ON/OFF knob that controls the whole of the stock market.

I happen to have one in my study. There it sits with the dial turned to OFF.
I am unable to check the markets when the dial is OFF.

This is our protector. Our safeguard. It ensures we do not check the markets Thus ensuring us from acting.
It will sit for months on end with the power OFF.

When and only when we turn the power to ON, are we allowed to check the markets. And we strive to turn it to OFF as quickly as possible.

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